The University of the city of São Paulo (UNICID) has a strong tradition in undergraduate courses in the health area, having started with undergraduate courses in Odontology, Nursing and Physiotherapy since 1982 and later with Medicine courses in 2003 and Biomedicine in 2005. The undergraduate course in Physiotherapy during these three decades has been established as a course of recognized excellence in the training of Physiotherapists, with the permanent concern that the students develop a critical sense about the practice of Physiotherapy, with the search of scientific basis.
Therefore, there was a maturation around the proposition of a Graduate Program in academic scope, which could give more identity and cohesion among the research activities already developed by the group of teachers, many in PhD, and the activities Of teaching and extension, thus contributing to a research area (Area 21) still not very representative in the national scenario. In addition, there was awareness in the University about the need to institutionalize research as a tool for producing new knowledge, for discussing ideas and for developing new technologies. In this way, the Postgraduate Program in Physiotherapy, Master level was proposed in 2004 and recommended by CAPES in March 2005, and began its activities in March 2006.
The Doctorate program of UNICID is recommended and approved by MEC (Ordinance No. 2,642 of 07/27/2005), published in the DOU of July 28, 2005. The Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Physical Therapy Master and Doctorate levels at the University of São Paulo – UNICID are much more critical and reflective researchers, qualified to work in higher education, and meet the demand for existing degrees.
In 2012, CAPES recommended the Doctorate in Physiotherapy for opening in 2013. Currently in Brazil, there are only three institutions with a Doctorate focused exclusively on Physiotherapy, counting on the Doctorate in Physiotherapy of UNICID, which confirms and supports our recognized excellence in the health area.
The Postgraduate Program in Physiotherapy of the University of São Paulo has as main goals:
– Training professionals interested in the study of functionality and movement for scientific research and teaching in higher education;
– Producing scientific knowledge that supports the clinical practice in the Physiotherapy area, generated on the basis of evidence;
– Training professionals with the potential to become agents of transformation of scientific and technological knowledge;
– Developing research projects in Physiotherapy that responds to socially constructed demands, especially with regard to clinical-epidemiological research, aimed at emerging areas in the country.
The curricular proposal of the Graduate Program in Physiotherapy of UNICID aims to offer all the basic support (in the master′s and advanced disciplines) in order for the students to understand the whole process of scientific thinking. Thus, the fundamental starting point of the GPP is to offer disciplines with strong content in research methodology, statistical analysis and scientific writing so that students can understand the ideal steps in the conduct of their research projects.
In addition, we offer courses that support the use of digital tools that support conducting research. More specifically, we offer courses that teach how to operate software such as Endnote (for the management of bibliographic references), specific databases of research, Brazil platform, among others. At a more advanced level we offer courses in signal processing software (such as Matlab, for example) and advanced use of Excel and SPSS for statistical analysis, both in the masters and in the doctorate.
The second component of the Program′s disciplines is focused on teacher education, among which we can highlight the didactic discipline of higher education (masters level) and the teaching stages (masters and doctoral levels). The aim is to train competent teachers and to stimulate scientific thinking for students. There is intense practical activity in these disciplines and stages.
The last, but not least, component of the courses offered by the Program is to give theoretical support to the research lines of the Program. All disciplines encompass components of the research lines of the program (Instrumentation and evaluation of capacity and functional performance in physiotherapy, clinical research in physiotherapy: epidemiological and intervention studies and basic neuromuscular processes, physical exercise and motor behavior).
Combine your talent with our quality and competence.
Program Coordination: Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa
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